Tuesday, March 28, 2006

sense of time...

i dun like to explain my project, or to present my ideas, and try to sell them. collin was dropping by my studio and saw the models i left on my tables. he asked me about my ideas and design...i was reluctant to explain. maybe because i hate to look back at what i've done and rationalize them in order to explain to other. maybe i'm so into the process of design that i can only tell u what i am doing now. i can't tell u what i did to reach this stage, but i did something. something that i've learnt and explored. something i discovered about myself through design. no matter if its knowing the meaning of my architecture, knowing how far i can go with an idea, knowing how much i can immerse into the process of design , or learning new things about myself.
there are times when i walked ard studio and see what other studios are doing, and i was compelled to compare what i;m doing with the rest. maninly to compare the different sense of time. the rest are much faster than me, and way ahead at production as compared to me. i guess the process of design is just a materialized manifestation of what i'm thinking, learning and exploring. its 9 more days to submission and i'm still designing. i'm still designing the handrails of the individual units of my hostel, and i'm enjoying it. maybe i can;t finish my production on time, maybe i'll not sleep for 2-3 days prior to submission, but i think i need to do what i want to do. i'll only stop when its too late to stop.
now back to study for urban design test.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


bliss is when even i'm in studio on a saturday night, i'm still smiling when i think of her. i still think of what happened in the morning. i still see my friends in studio on a saturday night. when i hear the arcade fire playing from my laptop. when i got parking ticket fine. when i bought new shoes and sweater. when i think of her again and again...

Thursday, March 23, 2006


worked for 27 hrs non stop without sleeping. cadding out my design, designing hostel rooms, went for lecture, went site visit, had a super 2pm - 1145pm studio crit, did my history ppt presentation slides, and drove home like a zombie. i think i need some sleep...that is if i can sleep.


worked for 27 hrs non stop without sleeping. cadding out my design, designing hostel rooms, went for lecture, went site visit, had a super 2pm - 1145pm studio crit, did my history ppt presentation slides, and drove home like a zombie. i think i need some sleep...that is if i can sleep.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


very angry at the moment. just ended a day badly with di, came hm at 1am to draft out a detail drawing. fuck up drafting pens are totally useless, its 4 30 am now and i only half done, beginning to think this module is a fucking waste of time, leanrning nothing, and i need a fix.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


There is a sense of absence in the air that lingers around me. There are different kind of absence. One is u know its there, but u don't see it. That's why u see the need to find it, to let it resurface. another one is, it use to be there, but now, its gone. then u feel that there is no need to look for it, for it'll never come back. its gone forever. i dunno what is missing...but i can feel the presence of that absence.


i swept away old memories, old relationships, my old life, my old desires, my old heart. i did that in silence. so that no one may notice. no will will ask. echos of the past resonates in my silence...